Very unusual honey. The bouquet is strong, chemical, almost medicinal, with a distinct trace of linden flower aroma, followed by notes of incense and resin. In the mouth it is refreshing, with a taste of menthol, sage and lime, finish with very persistent aroma, balanced between citrus and bitter. Lime honey owes its bouquet to a complex spectrum of 100 different volatile aromatic compounds.
Use as an accompaniment in all teas, herbal and floral infusions, fruit juices, fresh, low alcohol cocktails, like the bee’s knees. It goes well with any preparation containing sage, basil and lemon grass, or those containing fresh sausage or goat ricotta.
In the kitchen, try diluting it in the cooking water for durum wheat pasta or spelt pasta, or in a butter and sage sauce to top pumpkin or spinach ravioli. In pastry cooking it can serve as the base for a ganache of extra bittersweet chocolate pralines, or as a sugar substitute in cocktails.
Ingredient: Italian bee honey
Weight: 250 g / 8.8 oz